Thursday, June 10, 2010

7 Major Reasons for Students Behavior

June 11, 2010
7 Major Reasons for Students Behavior
a. To control an event or situation
b. To manipulate the teacher
a. To avoid a task
b. Leave the activity
a. Focus attention on oneself
b. To build their self esteem
a. To become wanted/chosen by others for mutual
a. Express feelings/needs/pre occupation
b. Demonstrate knowledge or skill
a. Reward for themselves
b. Feel good about having it
a. To settle a score
b. Give restitution
c. Apology or punishment

Strategies for Managing Students’ Surface Behaviors
1. Planned Ignoring
a. Ignore the behaviour
b. Just give attention
2. Signal Inference
a. Eye to eye contact
3. Proximity Control
a. Stand beside the student
b. Hold onto the backside of the chair of the student
4. Interest Boosting
a. Everyday should have something to look forward to
b. Fill in their attention span
c. What are their interests
5.Tension Reduction Through Humor 
a. Don’t make them laugh for the sake of laughing
b. Use it wisely
c. It should be related to the topic
6.Hurdle Help
a. Ask them if they have difficulty in starting a task
b. One-on-one approach
7.Support from routine
a. Avoid dead time
8.Direct appeal to their Valued Areas
a. Golden rule
9.Remove seductive objects
a. Don’t bring things that contribute to a disorganized classroom
b. Avoid wearing attention seeking items e.g colourful nail polish
10.Antiseptic Bouncing
a. Remove them away from the source of the problem.

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